Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Coach's Handbook - An Introduction and Overview

Managing and coaching are different systems of human interaction.  Both are necessary for successful organizational life.  Follow my blog over the next couple of weeks as I distinguish the differences and discuss the benefits of effective coaching.

What is Coaching?
The definition of coach, according to the Random House College Dictionary, is: “1] A person who trains an athlete or a team of athletes. 2] A private tutor who prepares a student for an examination. 3] A person who instructs an actor or singer. 4] To give instruction or advice to in the capacity of a coach. 5] From the Hungarian word referring to tutoring and instruction.”

What is Managing?
The definition of managing, according to the Random House College Dictionary, is: “1] To bring about; succeed in accomplishing. 2] To have charge of or responsibility for.  3] To dominate or influence (a person) by tact or artifice 4] To handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use.”

The definition of manager is: “1] A person who manages. 2] A person charged with the control or direction of an institution, business, or the like.”

As the definitions suggest, managing is about getting things done (task oriented), and this is very important and critical in the business environment.  It is also the traditional mode of working with each other in business organizations. Coaching (learning oriented) is not better than managing, it is different.

The definition of develop, according to the Random House College Dictionary, is: “1] To bring out the capabilities or possibilities of. 2] To cause to grow or expand.  The definition of development is:
1] The act or process of developing; progress. Coaching is working in a developmental way with people.

Next week I'll discuss the different approaches to coaching and managing

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