Tuesday, June 24, 2014

That Dog Don't Hunt Part IV

You must be wondering what happened to Charlie’s company, the dog that did not hunt. There is a happy ending. With Charlie the transition took about four months. First Norman had to buy in and that took a while. He did not want to hurt Charlie. Then the hardship and chaos that Charlie was inflicting on the company became overwhelming.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for the company) Charlie had to deal with a critical medical condition which made the transition easier. He was gone for a month. The company welcomed a critical new hire who took over most of what Charlie did. For the month that Charlie was away and dealing with his medical condition there was peace in the company.

All of this got Norman totally on board and engaged with the transition. Some serious conversations ensued between Norman and his dad. Charlie stayed away embarking on his new life. The transition is now complete and the company is finally growing again and dramatically improving its service. Now the company is on the hunt. Previously it was not.

Recently the leadership group met for a quarterly huddle. Charlie came, made some comments. He stayed for about an hour and then left before the meeting was done. His involvement totally worked and left everyone satisfied. Julia commented to me that their relationship with Norman is really working. Case closed…generational transition complete.

Learn more about family business transitions >>

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